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Michelle K. Devlin-Oosterwal

Managing Partner 
"Executive Matchmaker"

To Clients:

Outside of my managerial functions, my primary role at The Duncan Group is to facilitate the "match." After meeting with the hiring executive, I operate as your "eyes and ears." I strive to understand your specific requirements, environment, lifestyle, and the unstated needs and complexities that are paramount to finding that perfect fit - for you.

After 28 years of working in this field, my experience and ability to innately and intuitively assess your needs, enables me to select candidates that meet your requirements, fit your corporate culture, and are a match, in terms of their personality. I focus more on someone's values, attitude, thinking, than on their skills (i.e., computer software programs), which I believe can be learned.

I am tenacious, committed, and creative in my approach and never hesitate to ask you questions. My goal is to find that unique and exceptional person who can truly operate as your strategic right-hand and successfully represent you to the world-at-large.  

To Candidates:

I feel honored to be trusted with something as important as your career. The more I understand you, the more I am able to accurately present roles that are a great fit.

I take into consideration whether or not what I present to you is a strategic next step in your career, and if the role and environment are well-suited to your personality, ambitions, goals and experience.

My goal is to deeply understand what motivates, drives, and inspires you and to have a long-term relationship with you. 

I hope these intentions are imparted whenever we work together. 


Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be part of your journey to find the perfect fit.   

Let’s Work Together

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